Love Etched is a movement on Love. Not love in a romantic sense - I don't exclude it of course - but the universal love that connects us all and brings meaning to life. The intention is to encourage self-realisation and to inspire Self Love. Collaboration. Sharing. Love. We all have something worthwhile in us, you have to know just how special you are. PLACE YOURSELF IN AMAZING.
23 Aug 2019
"The purpose of ritual is to wake up the old mind in us, to put it to work. The old ones inside us, the collective unconscious, the many lives, the divine eternal parts, the senses and parts of the brain that have been ignored."
— Zsuzsanna Budapest
All is well
'angels will come among us, few of us will recognize them for who they really are.'
- mkhulu Credo Mutwa
all is well
'angels will come among us, few of us will recognize them for what they really are.'
- mkhulu Credo Mutwa
9 Aug 2019
1. Start the morning with silence. Do not enter into dialogue as soon as you wake up. "The experience of the night will grow into the wisdom of the morning" - so says the ancient wisdom.
2. Open the window, let the room be filled with fresh air, it will awaken not only the mind, but also the spirit.
3. Wash your eyes with cool water. The ancients believed: "Shake the night off - and the eyes will be young for a long time, and the mind will be transparent"
4. Do not jump out of bed, first turn on your side and slowly rise. So you do not lose the energy accumulated overnight.
5. Do not look random passers-by in the eyes, so you can feel tired.
6. On the way to work or on important matters do not look back. By following this rule, you save power for the cases that you planned to carry out.
7. When traveling on business, have amulets with you. You can use two wards, one external (it will be visible to others), the other - internal (hidden from prying eyes). You can attach the outer charm on your clothes, and put the inner charm in your pocket or hide it under your clothes.
8. If you are waiting for an interview, an exam or the situation in which you need to concentrate, then put a small sharp pencil in your pocket. In the search for the answer to the question, present and concentrate on the tip of the pencil, the answer will not take long.
9. If you feel insecure while in a crowded place, you feel discomfort and anxiety, take a small piece of paper and draw a circle on it and a point in the center of the circle. Now imagine that you are the point, and the circle is your protection. Save this sheet of paper, putting it in your pocket until you leave the alarming place.
10. After returning home after work, be sure to greet your home, say that you are happy to return home. The evening will turn out favorably.
11. In the evening, do not do general cleaning and do not take out the garbage, take this time to relax and rest.
12. After sunset, especially try to keep peace in the family. Quarrel can be delayed and move to a new day.
13. In order to protect yourself from bad dreams and thoughts, put an unpeeled clove of garlic under your pillow.
14. Before you go to sleep, light a candle and look at the flame for a couple of minutes, imagine that your anxiety burns in a flame, this will bring you a peaceful sleep.
15. If a bad dream nevertheless has visited you, wash your face with cool water and say: "A frightful dream, God be merciful. Where the night is, there and sleep." Then the dream will not be realized, but will go along with the night.
24 Apr 2018
20 Apr 2018
22 Mar 2018
Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery: teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun.
– Lakota Prayer