
19 May 2011

7 Steps to rock solid self-esteem

1. Know your strengths and reasons to adore YOU

Take your time with this first step. Write down a list of all your strengths and adorable aspects of YOU.

2. Silence you inner critic

Stop all criticism - of yourself and others - by paying attention to your inner dialogue and the way in which you speak to yourself and about yourself.

3. Learn to say NO

Learn to set boundaries - and no this is not selfish. Instead, people will begin to respect and appreciate that you value yourself and honour your commitments.

4. Set yourself free from 'shoulds'

'Shoulds' merely serve to distract us from identifying and fulfilling our own needs, passions, abilities and personal growth. Live you life the way that makes you happy, the way that YOU want to and not based on other peoples 'shoulds'.

5. Be still and determine your desires and intentions

How ever impossible that which you want seems, the universe is designed in such a way that we can have ALL of that which we desire. Map out your desires and begin to believe that you number one deserve them, and that two, they are already on their way. Knowing what we want boosts our self-confidence and places us in a better position to work towards our intentions.

6. Surround yourself with like-minded and nurturing people

Stop spending valuable time and energy with people who don't bring anything positive into your life. Begin to recognise the relationships of value and those with "no nutritional value, so to speak and then make a conscious effort to spend time with the people who make you feel great!

7. Try new and fresh things

Do that music class you been secretly yearning to do for years. Jump out that plane like you know you want to. Begin to focus your attention on the things that bring you closer to your core desires and help you appreciate and Love who you already are and the life you have or want to have.

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