
24 May 2011

Am I leading the life I want to lead?

Life can often get so cluttered... so fast that we don't always sit down to think about that which we have been purposed here on earth for. We do what we must, often what others do and never really know - some of us may with the question lying with whether we do something about it - if the path we are on is what we really want. It can nag at us until we quieten the voices, it can kill some of us in the form of disease, depression or suicide and creates much of the anger we see on our streets, homes and even places of work.

Are you on the road you truly desire? Begin to ask yourself that question often, "am I leading the life I want to lead?Am I the person I want to be? As the answers in what ever form begin to reveal themselves, begin to develop yourself by nurturing your mind and Spirit with resources that will help you get there. Create a vision board of what you want, visualise it and believe it as true. Be intentional in discovering your path. Don't be afraid to dream big. It is just how we were wired and there is no reason why that which we want cannot be attained. Affirm to yourself the valuable and beautiful characteristics you own and match them up to the goals you want for yourself. Living the life you want is possible and YOU are deserving of it. DO YOU!

Let us Love!

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