
15 May 2011

There is great LOVE here for you.

Welcome! I am so happy to find myself in this space and to have the possible opportunity of creating a movement with the sole purpose of Love.

Unlike a large majority of blogs – that have taken over the world of late – most are designed or based from the point of view of the person who started the blog and feature “things”, for lack of a better word, that are of interest to the blogger themselves – I like to think that this blog is different.

Whilst yes, I, Vuyi Qubeka, began this blog through a very strong urge I felt was of paramount importance, it is important that we understand that this space is here for the intention to have this space serve others in the spirit of LOVE with the hopes that we discover true LOVE within ourselves for the betterment and benefit of others – near or far – wherever we may find ourselves in the world. Let’s call it my small effort to change the world one LOVING gesture at a time.

Hello! As mentioned before, I am Vuyi Qubeka a 24 year old South African female who expresses herself – as many bloggers do – on - this here though is YOUR space! Your space of LOVE and anything relating to what us as individuals see LOVE as. The seed from which this blog sprouted was from my recent discovery of the LOVE which is me – the nature of us all - based on teachings I already understood but amplified upon my re-introduction to The Law of Attraction, reignited through namely through a 100 day challenge I recently embarked upon. See:

Since embarking on my journey to better myself and find true love for and within myself I have discovered what I already knew but now thoroughly understand. The power in loving others – whomever they may be – without judgment, wholeheartedly and simplistically reveals a powerful love of self one cannot begin to articulate. These findings moved me to start this blog - Love Etched – on and about LOVE. This is not MY blog… this blog is for YOU! Those who are for love and desire to share a space where our aim is to LOVE in any form, from the nature that surrounds us, our neighbours or that person we know needs an ear but we have not quiet got the chance to acknowledge. Through small, largely random but important acts of love, we seek to create change and reveal the power of love and what it really means.

Again, this is your space, our space. Please!? Go crazy. Whether it be a picture that represents LOVE to you, a simple poem, song or anything else you find reflects LOVE in this space… bring it and let’s get Etching on Love!

The Love you have within you is way deeper than you would have yourself believe. Dig in and believe in the Love which is YOU!

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