
5 Jun 2011

Roaming Hearts...

The etching have begun and it is so wonderful to see the many ways that "Love Joys"show themselves in so many ways, everywhere we look. The heart symbol - so simple and powerful - seems to be very present in the world around me. Below are expressions of a few simple ways in which we have made Love a constant companion along all our simple journeys.

Whilst walking the dogs the other day, I was greated with chalk drawn hearts along the pathway. I have no idea how they got to be there but there is nothing like the gift of a heart - even though it may not hae been inteneded for you :) It is now my intention to find all the roaming hearts that I can.
My refelction. The dogs shadows didn't make it into the shots. We Love hearts - roaming hearts!

I had to stop and appreciate the sunset and senary whilst taking a run the other day. Small things but so much of Joy.
I have incorporated the Love Ethings into my au-pairing. The little girl I look after is four years old and we're both having a lot of fun with it - Love.
Little hand + Big hand = Love Heart

Nothing like a fresh Kiwi under the smiling Sun. The moment was so good a smile made its way onto my fruit!
Zuzana (a fellow etcher) and I found a benh approprately tagged with a heart whislst exploring Leusden, Amersfoort the other day. The ethcing just had to happen. With redlipstik that I discovered in quietly sitting in my bag for such an occassion. The Love blog made its mark so to speak.
Zuzana next to out tagging of Love.
Just as we disovered yet another roaming heart, cool and onfident duck came to join the Love Party. We Love Etchers in all of their forms.
We were made to Love.
Let us Love!

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