
2 Jun 2011

Not at all flawed but beautifully Complete.

Consider this. All the people we encounter and are attracted to on all levels - be it as friends or foes, lovers, business partners, those who highly annoy us etc - they are a mirror of us whether we accept those traits within ourselves or not.
Whomever it is in your life that solicits a strong response from you, be it the urge that makes you want to curse their name or embrace them with Love they are a telling part about You. You feel the way you do because we all subconsciously choose individuals that reflect back the favourite parts within ourselves as well as the parts we try to keep hidden deep within and hope no one ever finds.
This is the truth in Joy and acceptance though. We need to know, with conviction, that all elements of ourselves are beautiful and to believe that we are not flawed but complete, complete in all the bits we like or dislike. Once we find that we are complete and Love all that we are fully, it is then that we begin to Love other in the very same way - with all the completeness. You may find that quirky replaces weird, expressive replaces loud and nosy really is just attentive.
Look at yourself - in all that you are - and see all the beauty you behold. You are not in any way flawed but Complete in all your glory!
We were made to Love.
Let us Love!

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